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API Docs

Easily integrate our API with to your apps and create up to 10,000 Static QR Codes daily.

Editable QR Code

Plug & Play

Encode data such as URLs, Text, vCards, WiFi, Phone Numbers, Email Addresses, and SMS in Static QR Codes.

Unlimited Storage

Bulk Generation

You can make as many as 10,000 QR Codes every day using the API. We have set limits on API requests.

Trackable QR Code


You can build QR Codes on your own system by writing scripts and making requests to the REST API.

Unique Dashboard

Multiple Formats

Produce high-resolution QR Codes in PNG, JPG, and SVG formats that are suited for use in print or online.

QR Code-pana.png
Custom QR Code

Custom Colors

Choose between the black-and-white format or get creative by printing QR Codes in your brand's colors.

Static QR Code API

Get Started On Your 14-Day Free Trial!

Please note that the Static QR Code API is exclusively available to subscribers of our Professional Plan.
If you're on our Free Plan and wish to use our Static QR Code API, you'll need to upgrade.
Please get in touch with us if you need further information.

Note: Static QR Code API access is only for our Professional Plan subscribers.


Get started With Our Static QR Code API

To get a QR code graphic as a JPEG, PNG, or SVG image, send our system a GET request using the following:

Request the following URL to test it out straight in your browser:

As you can see, it's easy to embed a QR code in your (X)HTML documents by using the <img> tag. 
<img src=""/>
produces/shows the following QR code image with data: "Example"


Example Code ( JavaScript ):

$w.onReady(function () {
    $w('#generateButton').onClick(() => {

        const qrFormat = $w('#qrFormat').value;

        const qrSize = $w('#qrSize').value;

        const qrForegroundColor = $w('#qrForegroundColor').value;
        const qrBackgroundColor = $w('#qrBackgroundColor').value;

        const qrContent = btoa(encodeURIComponent($w('#qrContent').value));
        $w('#qrImage').src = `${qrFormat}/${qrSize}/${qrForegroundColor}/${qrBackgroundColor}/${qrContent}`;

Content Parameter ( qrContent ):

The data to store within the QR code should be base64 encoded.

Valid Example:
Data with base64Encoded: RXhhbXBsZQ==


Invalid Example:

Data without base64Encoded: EXAMPLE

Minimal Char Count: 1

Maximal Char Count: 1000

Best Practice:
The shorter the better. We suggest using URL shorteners for very long URLs.

Size Parameter ( qrSize ):

Specifies the size of the QR code image you want to generate

( in pixel for raster graphic formats like JPEG, PNG ); as a logical unit for vector graphics SVG.

Format: [ Integer ]

Minimum Value: 100 ( Format = jpeg | png | svg )

Maximal Value: 1000 ( Format = jpeg | png | svg )

Valid Examples: 100, 150, 200

Invalid Examples:
99 ( Smaller than minimal scale ),
1001 ( Greater than maximal scale ).

Foreground Color Parameter ( qrForegroundColor ):

The color of the data modules is a HEX value.

Format: HEX value in short format ( 000 for Black ) or

long format ( 00000 for Black ).

Valid Examples:
Red - f00 / ff0000
Green - 0f0 / 00ff00
Blue - 00f / 0000ff
Invalid Examples:

Red - 255-0-0
Green - 0-255-0
Blue - 0-0-255
HEX Values - 0000, ffaab, 0d8c2
Best Practice:
000 ( Black ). Otherwise, a much darker color than the background color to get a good contrast.

Background Color Parameter ( qrBackgroundColor ):

The color of the data modules is a HEX value.

Format: HEX value in short format ( fff for White ) or

long format ( 00000 for White ).

Valid Examples:
Red - f00 / ff0000
Green - 0f0 / 00ff00
Blue - 00f / 0000ff
Invalid Examples:

Red - 255-0-0
Green - 0-255-0
Blue - 0-0-255
HEX Values - 0000, ffaab, 0d8c2
Best Practice:
fff ( White ). Otherwise, a much lighter color than the foreground color to get a good contrast.

Format Parameter ( qrFormatColor ):

It is possible to create the QR code picture using different raster graphic formats, available are JPEG, PNG, and the vector graphic format SVG ( for professional printing ).

Valid Values: jpeg, png, svg

Invalid Values:
JPEG ( Everything uppercase instead of lowercase ),
Png ( First char is uppercase instead of lowercase ),

sVG ( Second and third char is uppercase instead of lowercase ).

Best Practice:

PNG is best for websites. JPEG was developed for natural pictures, its results are worse than PNG for line drawings and comparable contents. SVG for professional print usage, because vector-based graphics can be scaled by any amount without degrading quality.

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